Lets see...maybe If I introduce myself to everyone, maybe it'll just be you.
I swear sometimes.
Lets see. I play in a band. Bass.
I love good music. And yes, although there are many types of music, they eventually get divided into Good music and Bad Music.
I hate bad music...I dont know, some people seem to like it though.
I want to go up to that guy at the record store in the mall buying the "Nickelbacks Greatest Hits" or "Creed Covers CHRISTmas" and say "so what do you enjoy most about bad music?"
I'm such a snide asshole.
But anyway, there is hope. If you're unfamiliar with Belle and Sebastian , check them out. If you're familiar with them already, i'm sorry for mentioning them so often.
"The Model" off of the album "fold your hands child, you walk like a peasant" has some type of cosmic hold on me and makes me smile soooo much!
I started to get a zit on my chin....how old am I?? I thought once "picture day" became a thing of the past, so did Acne, Backne, and any other type of zit. apparently I was mistaken.
I just played a video game called Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. This game was fucking great! ( and I didnt even vote for George Bush!)
But anyway, Anti had beaten me really bad at it the first time I played which was two days ago...so we started playing and I won every single time..Like...It was awkward because he started to come undone...His night was kinda shot from there on out...What made matters worse was when things got really bleak for him, I had been killing him all night and he made one last like comment about how much he hated this game and I let out this nervous laugh. ( I was really uncomfortable!) and then he was like "fuck you" and I think he said it half joking...but that means he was half serious...
So luckily Gianni came home from working the midnight shift and he owned the game and he also destroyed me the other day when i first played.
So Gianni and I played and I beat him pretty badly too!
So basically...i'm a gamer...I didnt choose it, I was born into it. There can only be one highlander...ya know?
So thats it on that front.
Going into the studio on Saturday to record for 5 days....Oh yeah, I forgot to tell work about it...Havent told the band that I have to work...Havent told work about the band even existing (this band is a side project just started up)
I think I thrive on conflict and thats why I havent taken action. Argggg.
I have a problem with say "aaaaanyway" when i'm transitioning into another paragraph...or letting someone know i'm about to go to bed.
Things are going pretty well. Are you not supposed to tell people your new years resolutions? Or is it just with wishes you dont tell so they eventually come true..?
Well my resolutions are as follows:
No more McDonalds (maybe breakfast sometime as a treat for waking up before 10 30)
support myself and my decisions more.
NO, fuck that, i'm DEFINITELY jogging this year... I have to...I'm getting the spare tire..ya know?
The spare tire?
Someone just said "goodnight sweet pea" and I responded "sweet dreams dreams doll hair". God i'm fucking awesome...
I used 'God' and 'fucking' in the same sentence. Thats double points for me .
I stubbed my toe on a rail from a bed frame that was lying disassembled on my floor and the first thing that came out of my mouth was "Godfuck!"
Im not bragging or anything, i'm just saying.
Oh yeah, back to my resolutions. so we're at :
Less McDonalds
More Supportive of #1
Find someone to share my boredom with in exchange for their boredom.
they have to like good music because, you know some people need someone who is financially secure, or someone who ...I dont know, fuckin cooks or something.
I want someone with good taste in the Fine Arts in general...movies, shows, music...and cooking isnt a bad trade either. I should learn. I should learn to change my own oil first though. Or should that come second?
I guess a homemade dinner would be more romantic than a free oil change on a first date.
So lets see, into GOOD music (remember we talked about this?)
Good movies
Good shows
Open to unfamiliar and zany things
Playing an instrument of some sort would be great...
Ok...i'm looking forward to meeting my hilariously sarcastic musician girlfriend in 2008!!!
Good luck
Oh, I never answered that did...an example of Good music would be the band Field Music...there you go, thats all you get for now
not that you don't already know anyone with good taste in movies & music. and happens to have hilarious sarcastic moments...
hahaha, i dont know why im writing this comment.
i always find something to write, and even though this blog was fuckin random (yes, i used your word) it was interesting lol
i thought the same about zits, i was just talking about them w/ one of my best friends yesterday. we decided they suck, and that hopefully they'll go away before college ends for good, cause i would hate having a career w/ a pimple on my cheek.
other than that, good luck finding that perfect someone. sarcastic, funny, good everything.. hmm.. i'm thinking you'd fall in love w/ yourself haha j/k
duuuude, that whole attitude of good music and bad music is exactly the way i feel. you music catalog better contain the bands saves the day, and thursday. anyway, changing ur oil is lot easier than cooking
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